The God

» Fight if you must on the path of righteousness and God will be with you. MM-206

» He is no God who merely satisfies the intellect, if He ever does. T-2-313

» He who has a living faith in God will not do evil deeds with name of God on his lips. T-4-252

» He who would, in his own person, test the fact of God's presence can do so by a living faith. T-2-313

» If we have listening ears, God speaks to us in our own language, whatever that language be. T-7-110

» If we will take care of today, God will take care of the morrow. T-2-65

» If you have faith in the cause and the means and in God, the hot sun will be cool for you. T-2-182

» In a strictly scientific sense God is at the bottom of both good and evil. TIG-25

» In His boundless love God permits the atheist to live. XXVI-224

» In the Gita continuous concentration on God is the king of sacrifices. T-2-311

» Its unadulterated belief in the oneness of God and a practical application of the truth of the brotherhood of man for those who are nominally within its fold are two distinctive contributions of Islam. T-2-341

» It is better to be charged with cowardice and weakness than to be guilty of denial of our oath and sin against God. T-2-85

» It is impossible that God, who is the God of Justice, could have made the distinctions that men observe today in the name of religion. T-3-236

» God is the shield of the nonviolent. MM-126

» God in his wisdom circumscribed man's vision, and rightly too, for otherwise man's conceit would know no bounds. T-3-255

» God is always the upholder of justice. T-5-161

» God is certainly one. He has no second. He is unfathomable, unknowable and unknown to the vast majority of mankind. XXV-178

» God is conscience. He is even the atheism of the atheist. TIG-10

» God is continuously in action, without resting for a single moment. TIG-140

» God is Light, not darkness. God is Love, not hate. God is truth, not untruth. God alone is great. XXV-479

» God is not a person. God is an eternal principle. T-3-147

» God is not a Power residing in the clouds. He is an unseen Power residing within us and nearer to us than finger nails to the flesh. TIG-19

» God is not in Kaaba or in Kashi. He is within everyone of us. XXV-451

» God is not outside this earthly case of ours. TIG-33

» God is omnipresent; even a pebble in the Narmada can represent Him and serve as an object of worship. XXVI-309

» God is that indefinable something which we all feel but which we do not know. XXVI-224

» God makes crooked straight for us and sets things right when they seem to go dead wrong. T-7-143

» God never made man that he may consider another man as untouchable. XXVI-354

» God of Truth and Justice can never create distinctions of high and low among His own children. T-3-221

» God resides in every human form, indeed in every particle of His creations, in everything that is on his earth. T-4-124

» God rules even where Satan seems to hold sway, because the latter exists only on God’s sufferance. T-7-147

» God’s grace and revelation are the monopoly of no race or nation. XXV-479

» God’s laws are eternal and unalterable and not separable from God Himself. T-2-293

» God’s time never stops. MM-88

» God’s ways are more than Man’s arithmetic.T-5-151

» God’s word is : He who strives never perishes. TIG-4

» God to be God must rule the heart and transform it. TIG-8

» God the Compassionate and the Merciful, Tolerance incarnate, allows Mammon to have his nine days' wonder.TIG-144

daily to every human being but we shut our ears to the still small Voice. TIG-34

» My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and my talents, and I lay them both at His feet. T-5-291

» Since nothing else that I see merely through the senses can or will persist, He alone is. T-2-313

» The life of millions is my politics, from which I dare not free myself without denying my life-work and God. MM-103

» The purer I try to become, the nearer I feel to be to God. T-2-314

» To me Truth is God and there is no way to find Truth except the way of nonviolence. T-2-236

» To me God is truth and love, God is ethics and morality, God is fearlessness. XXVI-224 of his birth, becomes an untouchable, unapproachable or invisible is to deny God. XXVI-373

» Truth is God, and Truth overrides all our plans. The whole Truth is only embodied within the heart of Great Power–Truth. T-7-363

» Truth is the right designation of God. TIG-21

» Waiting on God means increasing purity. XXVI-515

» We do not know the laws of God, nor their working. T-3-250

» What is impossible with man is child’s play with God. T-3-137

» When you want to find Truth as God, the only inevitable means is love, that is, nonviolence. T-3-144

» When we fear God, then we shall fear no man, however high-placed he may be. MM-308

» Where love is, there God is also. MM-418

» Who is there in the world who can insult the God in the image? T-2-261

» Without living Truth, God is nowhere. T-8-270

» Without an unreserved surrender to His grace, complete mastery over thoughts is impossible. MM-276

» You are not going to know the meaning of God or prayer unless you reduce yourself to a cipher. T-5-149

» You will find that God is always by the side of the fearless. T-7-273

» You will not pit one word of God against another word of God. T-4-138

» It is possible to reason out the existence of God to a limited extent. T-2-312

» It was manly and dignified to rely upon God for the dissolution of all troubles. He was the only infallible help, guide and friend. T-8-97

» Let us fear God and we shall cease to fear man. MM-60

» A living faith in God means acceptance of the brotherhood of mankind. T-4-252

» Meditation is waiting on God. XXV-515

» Nonviolence succeeds only when we have a real living faith in God. T-5-104

» Nonviolence is an attribute of the Almighty whose ways of fulfilling Himself are inscrutable. T-6-12

» Man alone is made in the image of God. MM-424

» Man can only conceive God within the limitation of his own mind. TIG-45

» Man can only describe God in his own poor language. TIG-45

» Man in the flesh is essentially imperfect. He may be described as being made in the image of God but is far from being God. T-7-73

» Man should earnestly desire the well – being of all God’s creations and pray that we may have the strength to do so. MM-434

» No man has ever been able to describe God fully. The same holds true of ahimsaT-7-73

» The man who eats to live, who is friends with the five powers – earth, water, ether, sun and air – who is a servant of God, the Creator of all these, ought not to fall ill. MM-394

» The man who fears man falls from the estate of man. Fear God alone. T-2-302

» When a man fasts, it is not the gallons of water he drinks that sustains him, but God. T-8-108

» When a man wants to make up with his Maker, he does not consult a third party. T-2-150

» A man cannot serve God and Mammon, nor be "temperate and furious’ at the same time. MM-137

» A man of faith does not bargain or stipulate with God. XXV-88

» A man of God never strives after untruth and therefore he can never lose hope. XXV-188

» A man who is intentionally unarmed relies upon the Unseen Force called God by poets, but called the Unknown by scientists. MM-115

» A man with a grain of faith in God never loses hope, because he ever believes in the ultimate triumph of Truth. XXV-188

» A man who throws himself on God ceases to fear man. T-2-369