

» Organization of khaddar is infinitely better than co-operative societies or any other form of village organization. XXV-474

» The art that is in the machine-made article, appeals only to the eye; the art in Khadi appeals first to the heart and then to the eye. T-3-292

» The foundation of service and your real training lie in spinning khaddar. XXVI-378

» Khadi work without the mastery of the science of khadi will be love’s labour lost in terms of Swaraj. T-7-36

» The message of khaddar can penetrate to the remotest villages if we only will that it shall be so. T-2-244

» The only real and reliable guarantee for khadi would be honesty, truthfulness and sincerity of khadi workers. T-7-20

» The singular secret of khaddar lies in its saleability in the place of its production and use by the manufacturers themselves. T-3-293

» Through Khadi we teach the people the art of civil obedience to an institution which they have built up for themselves. T-4-10

» Without proper careful organization of the spinning wheel and khaddar, there is absolutely no civil disobedience. XXVI-246